Saturday, 20 December 2008

Holidays in NYC

It's been a while since my last post... The weather has been cold: we had a snow-storm yesterday and are expecting another one tomorrow, still, you can't beat NYC this time of year. There is something magical about the scale and scope of American decorations and lights. There are Christmas Tree sellers on almost every street corner, with couples in head-to-foot North Face coats comparing the features of various trees. Speaking of North Face, I think NY might be sponsored by them. A North Face jacket is like a uniform on the streets of Manhattan. Everyone from the dustbin men to business executives has one. Having spent the past 5 weeks walking around in sub-zero temperatures, I completely understand why. So much so, that I finally ventured into the North Face to buy my own. Since then, I have been so much warmer. It feels like being encased in a portable duvet. The next thing I need is a pair of winter boots. Trust me, without waterproof boots, the streets here become a continual trap. Every curb morphs into a black hole of water, ice and God-knows what. If you aren't paying attention, you end up standing in a foot of ice-cold liquid and ruining your afternoon. For those of you who remember the movie Groundhog Day, it is like the scene where Bill Murray's character steps of the curb into the puddle and the insurance salesman says "Watch your step, it's a douzy!" I've avoided it to this point but thousands have been less successful!

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