Wednesday 19 November 2008

Days 2 & 3

It is so helpful to check the weather at your destination before packing and traveling. Helpful, that is, unless the information you find is utterly incorrect! Instead of the balmy 50s shown on the web, we have been treated to sub-zero wind-chill and generally bitter conditions. NYC definitely tests your mettle at this time of year. You can be walking along a street, minding your own business, not particularly aware of the conditions, only to turn a corner and be bombarded by a powerful gust of icy wind intent on biting your face, ringing in your ears and stinging your eyes. It is a momentary reminder of the extremes of the weather here. However, having spent the day wandering around in the cold, it merely heightens the enjoyment and warm glow of the hole-in-the-wall bar you find yourself taking refuge in. Cheers!

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